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The Storms

It was a dark night, as the storms flew by,

I was unable to stick to the ground with the velocity of the wind increasing,

“Oh! God. Please stop this.”Was my only utter cry

Still I managed my roots to bind with the Earth.

 “I am a tree”, said I.

‘I must not give up of who I am. I will survive in this dreadful weather till the end of my life. We are the ones who change themselves into mangroves of Sunderbans when we are subjected to salinity and water logging or we may change our leaves into thorns of the deserts plants to prevent loss of moisture. We are the same thing in different forms at different places. We change according to the situations but we manage to live our life independently.’

This gave the tree to keep moving until a ray of light came to its rescue. Gradually, the tree survived and lived a healthier life with a cycle of each element on his way.

(The Storm has been published in the anthology Epiphany by True Dreamster in the year 2021)

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