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Before the coffee gets cold review

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

The book is written by Toshikazu Kawaguchi. It takes place into the lives of people who visit the cafe on a regular basis. However, this cafe is no ordinary cafe as it takes you back to the past or travel into the future. With one condition only, the person has to drink the coffee before it gets cold.

The plot revolves around four chapters- the lovers, husband and wife, the sisters and mother and daughter. As the name implies, each character in the book carry along with them ; their background story and their lives. Each characters are relatable as they belong to us, a part of us.

The particular thing that strike me as fascinating and left me wondering is what if we were given an opportunity to change the past without changing the present. At each and every turn of the story about what is about to happen next without any correct guesses. A mystery solved will again be filled with another mystery.

However, in the beginning of the book it was difficult to understand and remember the names of so many characters as they are similar. As you read the book, the characters become gradually clear to you. The author focuses on the importance of time and human relationships as a way to value both through his book.

The book is well-worth reading as it brings an element of freshness into the art of writing novel in a practical way. It is definitely a book that is going to stay with you for a long time.

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